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Converting CSV to MIDI / Sonification using Online Sequencer

Member Admin

The following practice follows steps for sonifying data-sequence after obtaining a multi-column .csv file.

The csv example uploaded here, comes from the "light" sensor of a micro:bit.



Identify the number of columns in the csv file. Save each of the columns in a single file within a single sheet in MS-DOS CSV format. Name each file according to the column-name. In the case of the csv coming from the light sensor, 6 columns are produced. Therefore 6 files should be produced accordingly (x,y,z along with their corresponding timelines).

Note: Every file represents a musical line that can be converted to a MIDI file which eventually can be converted to a track. Tracks can then be modified in a Digital Audio Workstation supporting MIDI tracks. Timeline can correspond to the "metronome" change as a separate track-tempo line.



Upload the first non-timeline csv file on this online csv to midi converter. A the "COLUMN-MAPPINGS" sector, select the first value available. Choose time, duration, octave and range accordingly. (e.g. Duration could be 64th notes if the csv file contains numerous entries). The diskette icon becomes available. Download the MIDI file.



Use any sequencer, or MIDI player, to play the MIDI file. The Online Sequencer is one of the online options. Upload the MIDI file using the  "Import MIDI/Sequence Files" option at the three-dot drop-down menu. Choose the default option (----) or other options at the right part of the tool.



The permanent link result for the 'x' column of the example can be consulted here:

The corresponding MIDI file is attached in this post.


This topic was modified 8 months ago 3 times by Petros - Plagiavlitis
Topic starter Posted : 10/07/2024 9:38 pm
paulprouse reacted